Türkiye ile Güney Afrika arasındaki yatırım hacmi artıyor

Türkiye ile Güney Afrika arasındaki yatırım hacmi artıyor
Salı 27 Şubat 2024 - 21:45

Trade and investments between Türkiye and South Africa are booming, with a surge in investments on both sides reported annually, Türkiye's ambassador to Pretoria said Monday.

"The total volume of Turkish investments in South Africa is $32 million (TL 996.4 million). In 2022, it was $31 million, which is an increase," Ayşegül Kandaş told an interview with Anadolu Agency (AA) at her office in the South African capital, Pretoria.

She said South Africa's investments in Türkiye were $217 million in 2022, but the amount increased to $274 million by the end of 2023.

Kandaş said between 60 and 70 Turkish companies had set up businesses in South Africa, operating in various sectors, including textiles and food.

She said one of the biggest Turkish investors is Arçelik, a major small household appliances and white goods producer in Türkiye that owns the well-known South African appliance brand DEFY, generating jobs for 2,700 people and contributing to South African exports to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) bloc of 16 countries.

Turkish defense giant Aselsan is another big investor that manages its sub-Saharan Africa operations through its subsidiary in South Africa.

She said Turkish entrepreneurs have also set up stores dealing in clothing, food, carpets and furniture.

Kandaş said over 65 South African companies are currently operating in Türkiye, the largest being Met Air.

She said the volume of trade between Türkiye and South Africa was $2 billion in 2021 and close to $3 billion in 2022 but decreased slightly in 2023 (over $1.95 billion), but they are working to increase it for the benefit of the two countries.


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